Not all devices are capable of handling captive portals. Problematic devices usually include older hardware with outdated browsers, such as “smart” TVs, gaming consoles and the like.
Manual disk encryption on Ubuntu
Ubuntu makes it very easy to set up full disk encryption, but it requires you to wipe the entire disk if you want the wizard to do it for you, so this is how you can set it up manually.
Encrypted LUKS file container
While Linux Unified Key Setup — LUKS
— is mostly used to encrypt entire disks under Linux, it can also be used to easily create an encrypted file container. This can be used as an alternative to encrypting something like a .tar.gz
file directly, and will be easier to mount and read, without having to write decrypted data to disk.
Linux Sysadmin Scratchpad
This page is a collection of useful commands or one-liners collected through the years. They are sorted in general categories, but I’ve attempted to describe them as well as I can so hopefully CTRL+F will work decently if you know what you’re looking for.
fail2ban on EL8
fail2ban is commonly used to take a certain action, such as automatically blocking an IP, after repeated authentication failures or other generally bad behavior against applications, as detected by regex matching against log output.