Roundcube with FrankenPHP on Debian

FrankenPHP is a “modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server”, which in its simplest form lets you serve PHP apps without the nginx/apache config salad you may be used to. Here’s how to set it up as a service on Debian.

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Deploying FreeBSD on VMware

This post is about multiple components involved in deploying FreeBSD to a VMware environment. Since there are many moving parts this may also be interesting in general to anyone doing “infrastructure as code” and cloud deployments, the process is quite similar for Linux.

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Encrypted LUKS file container

While Linux Unified Key SetupLUKS — is mostly used to encrypt entire disks under Linux, it can also be used to easily create an encrypted file container. This can be used as an alternative to encrypting something like a .tar.gz file directly, and will be easier to mount and read, without having to write decrypted data to disk.

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